
#cuba #Miami #Madrid #LaVerdadHistórica

#Message from the #Hero of the Republic of #Cuba, Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo on the passing of #NelsonMandela

Just after an extended period of time in lock-down Gerardo was able to call right after hearing of the sad news of the death of Nelson Mandela and dedicated this short message. 

 Message from the Hero of the Republic of Cuba, Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo on the passing of Nelson Mandela. 

 Those who dedicated unlimited resources to erase and rewrite the history of Nelson Mandela, those who had him on their list of "dangerous terrorists", today will suffer from collective amnesia. 

 Those in the city of Miami who denied him homage because he embraced Fidel and thanked Cuba for its aid to Africa, today will have to sit in embarrassed silence. 

The Cuban Five will continue facing every day our unfair imprisonment, until the end, inspired by his example of unwavering loyalty and strength. 

Eternal Glory to the great Nelson Mandela! 

 Gerardo Hernández Nordelo 
United States Penitentiary, 
Victorville California, 
December 5, 2013